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Sensory Bins

Dive into a world of textures, colours and shapes as your child explores our thoughtfully designed sensory bins and trays. 

Watch as your little one develops fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and sensory integration while engaging in open-ended play. Our sensory bins and trays offer a safe and stimulating environment for exploration and discovery.

Sensory Bin Accessories and Tools

Our Subscription Options Are Launching Soon

Koupepe Kids will be soon be launching subscription box options unlike any others. We’ve curated and sourced the best products so you don’t have to. Would you like a unique experience delivered straight to your door? Look no further. Each month, you’ll be receiving a new delivery, shipped directly to your door. Browse our site to see all that we have to offer.

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Sensory activities and play for toddler. Little hands playing with rice, popcorn, beans, p
Close up of toddler hands holding octopus toy figurines with blue rice ocean sensory tray
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